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Articles and Research Papers
the publishing life of the academic never ends

Refereed psychological-type related articles:

Roots and Branches: Multiple Models of Type

'Context Switching' - Meeting the Needs of All Types

Refereed papers on computational models of complex systems:

Multi-Agent Communication – Methods for Group Social Exchange using Natural Language - Proceedings of the Spring Simulation MultiConference, San Deigo, 2005.

Communication as Intelligence-Methods for Social Exchange using Natural Language - Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, June 2003.

Intelligence as Communication-Roles and Needs of Socially Embedded Agents - Proceedings of the Lake Arrowhead Conference on Computational Social Science and Social Complexity, May 2002.

Software Tools for Systems Thinking - Proceedings from the 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Engineering Education Conference, October 2001.

An Emergent Origin or Semiotic Functionality: Symmetry, Objective Relational Levels, and Inference of Novel Logical Categories in a Connectionist System - Dissertation Article 1, August 1998.

Conference presentation transcripts:

Journey to Self-Leadership: A Systems View of Personality Development - An edited presentation transcript from the APT 2001 International Conference, June 2001.

Educational-psychology related conference research papers:

The Interstrength Cognitive Assessment: Development of a Validated Cognitive Development Psychometric - Symposium Proceedings of the Convergence 2005 Conference, September, 2005.

Maximizing Retention of Type Knowledge - Handout for APT 2005 International Conference workshop, July, 2005.

Development of a Validated Temperament Psychometric - Preconference Symposium Proceedings of the APT 2004 International Conference, July, 2004.

Multiple Intelligences and Personality Type in the College Classroom - Proceedings of The Power of Self-Leadership Conference, May, 2001.

Journey to Self-Leadership: A Systems View of Personality Development Research from the College Classroom - Proceedings of the APT 2001 International Conference, June 2001.

You are Unique: Type and Character Development - Proceedings of the Association for Psychological Type Biannual Conference, 1999.


Using M&Ms to introduce Jung's 8 cognitive processes

Quick snapshots to introduce Jung's 8 cognitive processes

White Papers:

Responding to 'The Cult of Personality'

A Fresh Understanding of Function Development

Modeling and Simulation of Living Systems - Principles, Methods, and Applications

Excel Software:

Mapping Personality Process

Type Bulletin expository articles:

The Wisdom of the Sixth Function

Meeting Individual Needs to Catalyze the Whole Group

Exploring the 8 Function-Attitudes in Depth

Hormones, Sex and Personality Type

Type Development Coaching with Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Type Dynamics - New Tools for Exploration

Type Development: Theory and Research in Context

Statistics or Systems?

Roadblocks and Shortcuts to Using Multiple Models

Using Multiple Models to Explore Type

The Four Pillars of Type

Wizards in the Wilderness

All content on this site is the property of Dario Nardi. Do not use without written consent. dnardi@math.ucla.edu